Old Testament Overviews: The Deuterocanonical Books

by Felix Just, S.J., Ph.D.

I) Introduction

II) Tobit


Parallel Elements:

Main Characters Tobit (father)
Anna (wife)
Tobiah (son)
Raguel (father)
Edna (wife)
Sarah (daughter)
Supporting Characters Ahikar/Ahiqar (Tobit's nephew, Assyrian official) Gabael (Tobit's relative, holds some money)
Locations Assyria, esp. its capital Nineveh Media, esp. Ecbatana (and Rages)
Main Affliction Tobit became blind, despite his charitable actions Sarah is afflicted by the demon Asmodeus
Means of Healing Fish gall smeared on Tobit's eyes; films pulled away Smoke from burning the fish's heart and liver
Curiosities A dog accompanies Tobiah & Raphael's journey A fish almost swallows Tobiah's foot

For Reflection and Discussion:

III) Judith


For Reflection and Discussion:

IV) 1 Maccabees and 2 Maccabees

Outline of 1 Maccabees:

Outline of 2 Maccabees:

Literary and Theological Features:

For Reflection and Discussion:

V) Wisdom and Ecclesiasticus (Sirach)

VI) Baruch


For Reflection and Discussion:

VII) Additions to Esther and Daniel

VIII) Bibliography: Recommended Readings


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